Friday, January 15, 2016

New Year's Resolution

Every year, there are so many delicious sweets around and every year I don't even pretend to say no.  But the new year starts, and I promise to be better.

"Tina, I made some cinnamon rolls.  Would you like to try one?"

"I'd better not, Andrew.  It's the new year, and I should detox from all the Christmas treats."

"But they're fresh from the oven.  You know you want one."

A little voice in my ear says, "Tina, remember the promise you made to yourself: no sweets for a month.  You can do it.  I believe in you."

And in the other ear, I hear: "But they're warm and gooey.  Just one wouldn't hurt."

"Can you believe this guy?"

"What's the matter with you, kid?  Lose your harp?"

"Hey, has your tail grown in yet?"

"Did they send the JV squad?"

"Did your mother dress you?"

"Actually, she did."

"Oh.  Ok."

"She says I'm her sweet boy."

"She sounds really nice.  Yeah, my mom helped me clean my wings this morning."

"Hey, it looks like they left the cinnamon rolls behind."

"Wow.  Want to split it?" 

"Way ahead of you."


Friday, January 8, 2016

Look, Ma! Two hands!

He's exactly 5 months old today.  Poor baby got vaccination shots yesterday, so he's had a low tempura tire and been a little grumpy most of the day.  He's getting bigger: 10.45 pounds and 22.75 inches.  He may be tiny by the averages, but he's development is about on target for 5 months.
Baby can find his thumb easily, he can hold his bottle if it's propped right (under supervision), and rollover like a champ.  Now he's getting the grasping-things-with two hands feat down.

The obligatory monthly pic.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year 2015

Baby's first New Year's.  None of us made it to midnight.  We were invited to a friends' house for the evening.  I should have taken a picture, though it wasn't the prettiest dessert.  I needed to bring a dessert or appetizer, but my oven was busy with a ham.  Then it came to me: waffles!

Andrew got me a Belgian waffle maker for Christmas.  Then I spied my trifle bowl, which I don't need an excuse to use.   Then rifling through my cupboard, I found a box of banana pudding.  Andrew obligingly went to the store for bananas and whipped cream.
It was delicious, if a little untraditional.

A side by side in the same outfit.  You can really see how much baby has grown.

Top picture was taken on 8/20, so aged 2 weeks.
Bottom picture was taken 1/2 in the same outfit, in the basinet.
It amazes me.