Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

Springtime is a time of renewal.  It's when the earth shrugs off its winter coat, the air warms, and all the little animals peek their heads out to enjoy a more colorful land.  Like our little bunny.

"Yes!  After a long winter, I am ready for some sun."

"It's spring, isn't it?"

"Is this snow?"

"Where's the sunshine?"

"Where's the flowers?"

"This is garbage!"

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jiminy cricket

A fun new sound.  I heard around somewhere that babies make every sound that appears on human languages at some point or another, then start winnowing them down to get to the appropriate sounds for their native language.  I wonder if this noise appears somewhere I've never heard of?

And, he tried green beans.  Not a fan.

Monday, March 7, 2016

7 months

Our tiny guy is not so tiny anymore.  7 months and still growing strong.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Smiles and Baby Paper

A coworker of mine had a baby while I was still pregnant.  As a kind and unexpected gesture, he gave me a piece of Baby Paper as a gift.  He said his baby loved it, and would stop fussing as soon as he or his wife started crinkling it.

Baby x loves it, too.

Turns out he loves ice cream, too.