Thursday, January 19, 2017

You're putting what where?

Our good friends, the Bowens, handed down a fun little toy.  Baby finds the colorful little pegs fascinating.   They end up in unexpected places, can be combined endlessly, and fit perfecting a tiny hand. 
I'm not sure where the open ball came from, but it's certainly fun, too.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

An ounce of intervention is worth a pound of cure

Our pediatrician recommended that baby go to early intervention months ago.  It didn't seem like such a big deal, since many of the things baby was behind in seemed to fix themselves soon after.  Talking, however, is still an issue.  So we finally went.

He was a champ, playing with all the toys, especially climbing the toy stairs.  There was a physical therapist, a social worker, and a coordinator from the service company there.  We all agreed that he's adorable. All the play was a way for them to observe his gross motor, fine motor abilities, as well as his problem solving skills, and any speech.

Good news: he's on track for adaptive development (on track), cognitive development  (unable to assess, since he doesn't talk), communication  (25-30% behind), physical (on track), and social emotional development  (on track).

Next step: a speech therapist comes to our home once a week to help us learn!  I'm both anxious and excited.

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Room of my Own.

Our basement is supposed to be a craft room.  I already have yarn, cloth, paints and all that jazz down there.  I've not been able to use the space effectively because we had this enormous drafting table in the middle of everything.

I moved a shelf, and boxes to one side, and a footstool and white board to the other side, the scooted this giant thing against the wall.  Andrew came down to help put the top on. That thing was heavy!  

If you look, there's already a project there on top.

Not that the dark, soulless world deserves it but here's a cute pic of baby playing with his little fried.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Daddy penguin

Happy New Year, everyone.  Here's to a 2017 better than 2016.  It's been another difficult year for me.  The world has shifted in unexpected and uncomfortable ways.  Many of the tenets that have been ingrained in me have been shaken.

Baby is growing like an adorable weed.  Which is painful in it's own way.

Andrew is doing well, loving being a dad, and owning a home, working very hard.

We're having fun together, in all our trials and triumphs.

Anyway, here's a cute video.