Saturday, March 31, 2018


There is a Mexican bakery a few miles up the road that i like to go to once a month or so.  You can pick your own treat out of the show case with a set of pincers and a lunch tray.  Usually, i pick out a cookie for baby and give him a piece.  This time he had his own opinion.  He wanted a cocoanut covered sandwich cake.  Much messier and bigger than a cookie, but he was very definite.

 A couple weeks ago, baby and i went to a friend's baby's birthday party.  He had a riot playing chase with the older kids (after a good half hour of watching and acclimating). Not sure what the pose before the charge is about.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

A new job

We went to Toys R Us.  Baby was a bit overwhelmed, trying to look at everything at once. So far, i didn't think he realizes that these items are available to take home as he doesnt grab things and bring them to me (most of the time).  More often, he'll put things in the cart, like the time he pulled dozens of fat quarters off the shelf at the fabric store and loaded the cart with them.

He does like a good office set up, though.

Monday, March 5, 2018

I had a bad idea

Baby's hair is always giving me fits.  He wont sit still when i cut it, so it's choppy and uneven.  Today, i thought it would be a good idea to take the clippers to it.

It was not a good idea.