Saturday, October 27, 2018

Trunk or Treat or Further proof that our kid might be a cat

Our ward had a trunk or treat and chili pot luck.  We'd gotten baby a batman costume and he actually wore it!  Afterwards, people were cleaning up with baby's "help".

And later that night, we were playing with a favorite toy: foam puzzles pieces. They can make a mat, or cubes, or towers. or just matching one piece to another.  Baby found a new way to play with them.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Fall Festival 2018

We went to the same fall festival/pumpkin patch we went to last year, and had almost as much fun.  There wasn't the same bouncy obstacle course that baby loved some much, but we still enjoyed ourselves.

Here's baby in the petting zoo with a very friendly goat.  It would stick it's head out of the grid for the kids to pet, and sometimes stretch it's neck backwards in a crazy cartoon fashion. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

First snow fall

He just gets me with that damned bear peeking out of his back pack.
He helped daddy clean off our cars and then wanted to help the community by cleaning off our neighboor's cars. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A giant pile of steaming...

arborist wood chips

We signed up with a website that coordinates with local arborists to bring their woodchips to people like me that want to use them in the garden.  Supposedly, chips make great compost, slowly releasing nutrients into the soil while making a good home for good bugs and suppressing weeds.

It took a couple weeks for the load to come, but when it did, the truck filled my driveway.  I moved some of it myself to the back yard, but there was still a pile at least the size of my car left over.  Andrew hired some of our favorite teenagers to come by and help move the rest.  

I think baby bear looks like an 80's preteen scifi movie boy, with the outfit, backpack, and face mask.  So cute.  Watching him bustle around make me smile for the first time in a long time.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Apple picking

I went onto a neighborhood website to see if anyone had any fruit trees they were willing to have a stranger denude, and found two.  The first house had little green apples, and I got two giant buckets.  Later in the week, baby, hubby and I went to another home and picked 4 giant buckets.

So I've been canning like crazy to prepare for the coming apocalypse.