Sunday, April 28, 2019

Fun 2 ways

Fun on the Best Buy shelves.

Fun in the reeds by the creek in the park.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter 2019

The boy posing with his two current favorite cars in front of the macarons I made for dessert.  The large green ones were filled with watermelon buttercream, and the small pink ones are filled with buttercream I flavored with peach juice I boiled down to a syrup.  

On Sunday morning, we did a one kid egg hunt.  He had a blast.

See the new green Crocs?  A gift from Andrew's brother and sister-in-law.  He instantly loved them.

We mixed together chicken eggs and plastic eggs and some toys that would have gone into the basket.

It was a very sunny bright morning.

Look at all the lovely flowers that have come up with all the moisture we've gotten lately.

Look at my potato plants!!!  By far the biggest thing I've grown this year so far, though not even close to the first thing I planted.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Two in one

I sewed up a long piece of knit fabric to make a circle.  The idea was it could be a way to get that pull/stretch/pressure thing he seems to need.  I was hoping it would save me a few concussions.  I was imagining tug of war type thing.  This is what we got.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

A couple randoms

I got called to be assistant leader of the Webelos.  I came home from a weekly den meeting and the boy wanted to wear my shirt and kerchief.

He loves playdough.  It gets allover sometimes, so usually we play with it on the kitchen floor, but this day, he set up a play area on the end table and dragged over one of his stools.  He played happily mostly alone for at least 45 minutes.