As a treat, the preschool arranged a field trip to the zoo. They have each kid a little book with pictures of animals, with the idea that the children would put a sticker on each animal they'd seen. Outside the tiger exhibit (the tiger was being shy) there is a little platform for kids to play on. The boy found another little boy that was as into growling, punching, and rablerousing as much as he is.
At the penguin tank. Of all the animals we saw, I think the sea lion was his favorite. We stood to watch it swim back and forth taking breathes for several minutes.
Andrew has scrounged several of these wooden boxes from a customer with the idea of turning them into benches or raised garden beds. Of course, the boy thought they were a perfect spot to cozy into, being part cat.
And then in the suspenders our friend gave the boy a couple years ago. He's finally big enough to fit in them. He looked so cute, but would only wear them long enough to take pictures.