Thursday, December 19, 2019

Fun times

It was pajama party day at the boy's school.  Someone handed this suit to us, I have no idea who, so he wore it.  His teacher's aide was trying to get him to make a wookie noise, but he just looked at her in confusion.  We've never let him watch any of the movies yet, so it was news to him.

Roar was super dirty.  The boy decided it needed a bath.  Can you see the washcloth in his hand?

He had to come with me to book club.  Husband has been working long hours, it being Christmas time, so they couldn't have usual boys night.  For some reason, the boy thought wearing a small down blanket was preferable to wearing his coat, like a weirdo.  

One new thing he's been doing lately is "big kisses", which are kisses on each cheek and them sometimes on the nose, too.  

The boy and I went to our ward Christmas party.  Husband was working, sadly. So after a quick burrito and grapes, plus a couple knocked over cups of water, then running in the halls with a pack of children, we went to see Santa.  While we waited in line, he ran off with a couple other kids and didn't come back with those same children.  So, i went to find him.  He was curled up against the wall of the dark portion of the hallway, wailing.  When I picked him up, he told me tearfully "I couldn't find you!"  Good news, he wasn't scared of Santa at all this year.  Or, as he calls Santa, "HoHoHo"

Sunday, December 1, 2019

A candid moment

The boy likes to sings nonsense sometimes as he plays.  You'll notice near the end of the video, he shouts '99', which is a family cry, modeled after the show Brooklyn 99.

The other day, the boy and I were at a Webelos meeting.  The leader offered us some brownies, and while the leader and the other scout discussed what was going on with the brownies, my boy repeatedly shouted "Let's do it!" over and over while pumping his fist.  My thoughts exactly.