Sunday, December 26, 2021

Christmas time is busy time

We made a gingerbread house

And I went out as driver helper for the last 6 weeks.  


Saturday, December 11, 2021

A big couple days

The first snow of the season finally came on Friday.  The news had been counting the days since the last snow with breathless excitement the way only weather watchers in Colorado do.  The boy woke us up with a wild "Ho Ho came!!!!"  He had to put on his snow pants, big coat, rain boots (easier to find that black snow boots), his construction goggles, and most recent addition of rainbow hat.  He spent a good half hour building a snowman.  He picked out a carrot from our fridge, a hat from the bin, and a handful of rocks. The snow was very powdery, so it ended up being more of a pile, but he loved it.  He loved it so much, that afternoon, he had to make an igloo. 

And next, we made it to a local church (not ours) to get the boy the second Covid vaccination.  Despite some rather ridiculous and hurtful remarks coming from certain camps, we decided to err on the side of science and personal safety to get it done.  The sweet people at the church applauded the boy as we walked to the nurse's station, which embarrassed him greatly.  They gave him a little toy to play with and chatted enough to distract him from the actual shot.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Boy quotes: the good, the bad and the skatalogical

 One night, trying to fall asleep.

The boy: Mommy, let's hug each other.


Me: here, throw this candy wrapper in the trash.

the boy: I do everything!!!


I was in the bedroom, folding some laundry.

The boy (from the bathroom):  Mommy, look!  It's a master piece!!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Garden center fall festival and Halloween

Over fall break, we went with some friends to a local plant nursery for their fall festival.  It was funny, because all the little friends were girls, and then there was my bundle of chaos I call my son.

For example, the girls all clumped together in a photo op area.  When I yelled for the boy to join them for a picture, he instead stood next to the photo op.

We had to buy a wristband to get to ride/participate on the special areas.  His favorite was the peddle cars.  So much so, that I let him have me extra stamp so he could go a second time.  Can you see him right in the middle of the picture?

He insisted on bein Steve from Minecraft.  He'd told people for weeks, everytime Halloween came up.  So husband and I gave up our dream of a family costume of beekeeper and bees.  But at least the boy helped paint his own costume.

I made the head, the boy painted his body and those two pig blobs are supposed to be his arms.  He also needed to be able to hold his pick axe and he suggested cutting holes for his hands.  So clever.  Of course, at the church trunk-or-treat, and then at trick-or-treat-ing in the neighborhood, he skipped the arms and body completely, then ditched the head after 30 min or so.


Friday, October 1, 2021

September fun

The librarians at our library have some time on their hands, I think.

Rainbow week.  The boy was asked to wear a specific color everyday for two weeks.  One of the last days was brown, and the only brown shirt we had was husband/s work shirt.  He also got to bring Grandma's little dog to school drop off and pick up.  Both boy and dog looooooved it.

The boy came to my book club.  I can't remember if I already shared this, but I thought it was funny.

We have a little outlet sized hole in the wall.  Been there since we moved it, but I had a table in front of it, so it didn't really bother me.  We've moved that table and now these bare outlets are staring me in the face.  I decided at least one needed some fancying up.   The tiniest fairy garden.  It took three tries, but I finally got it tiny enough.


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Is this how chopsticks work?


The boy came with me to bookclub at the local Japanese restaurant.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

First grade

We'd tried preparing the boy for a new year of school, but who is ever really prepared.  He didn't appreciate the interruption of his usual gentle morning warm up.  

Husband teasesd him enough about showing off his muscles, that the boy finally loosened up.
The kiddos are in masks again, but this kid doesn't mind at all.  No tears (from him), a few waves to old friends, and just a few nerves.  It was a pretty good day for the little man.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Birthday cakes

From one of the boy's favorite cartoons (from left to right): the bad guy, the birthday boy, and one of the good guys.  I got several lego and lego figure molds from someone on FB, including a large baking form.  I made most of the frosting from scratch, except for the decorating gels,  and the dark red, which I could not get dark enough on my own.    The boy loved that one looked like him, and bragged to anyone that would listen that he'd eaten his own head.


Friday, July 2, 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pedicures from hobos

The boy pulled out a towel and my favorite toe color.  He forgot to take the clippers to my horrendous cuticles, though.

This summer has been so hot, and we've been looking for interesting things to do around town.  One day we found a fun park that had both a mini train (yes, we rode it) and a calm little brooklet (hence the dripping boy in the picture).

Monday, June 14, 2021

America cake

The boy announced he wanted a cake that looks like Captain America's shield, so we did.  The top picture is his icing.  I think, for a five year old, it's very good.  the cake definitely needed more icing though, so I added the rest.


Friday, June 4, 2021

Ninja training 1

It is the boy's fondest dream to be a ninja.  He was in heaven the whole half hour.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Last day of Kindergarten

It's been an interesting year.  In person, full-time learning.  Then remote learning, then back to in-person.  Then his teacher had to take off the last third of the year, so getting used to substitutes. It's been a year of constant change.  This kid, though, has handled it like a champ.  He rolled with all the changes, making new friends, learning academics and social intricacies, not to mention weathering a global pandemic with cheer.  Summer is going to be fun, though, with lots of 'alaxing'.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hiking around

My sister came to visit and the boy was very excited about it.  We went to a local hike area type place to take in some local color.  We got about half way up the mountain, when my asthma started acting up so we stopped and had lunch.  Auntie got suckered into carrying the boy.  Look at those great smiles!
Seeing as it was a week day, the trail was pretty empty, so we didn't have to wear masks.

Husband and I finally were able to get the first round of vaccine.  Such a relief to think that the world is getting closer to normal, thanks to a competent chain of command lead by a competent president.

The boy has also been watchin too many YouTube videos.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Spring is springing

The boy and I walked to school this morning and he wanted to ride his bike.  I had to  take this picture because it looked so funny in person, but in the picture, he looks like he's on his way to middle school.  I can see the grown man he'll be in this picture.

It's a good thing I have this blog, cuz the hard drive on my computer crapped out.  Luckily, the best pictures and videos are already on here.  Whew!


Monday, March 22, 2021

Silly walk to school in the snow

I love this little outfit.  So grown up and manly, except for the puppies allover the fleece scarf.


Sunday, March 14, 2021

Snow day/Pi day

Watchin the end of a movie, the boy couldn't help but dance.

It being pi day (3-14) I had to make a few pies.  Not entirely from scratch, or all today, but I did bake the entire length of the movie husband and boy watched.  From the top: Boston cream (made with pancake batter doughnuts), peach with stuessel topping, pecan (left over from thanksgiving), banana cream and apple.

Before you have a heart attack at the thought of two and a half people eating that much pie, they were all mini.  A slice of each fit nicely on the fancy dessert plates.


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Sharing Ice Cream

The Boy: (carrying a tub of mint chocolate chip and two spoons) Let's dig in.

The Husband: We're great parents.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Snow snacks

One day, it's 60 degrees.  The next, it snows like 8 inches.  We got the day off from school, so we went sledding with friends.

One of them leant the boy their snow goggles which looked adorable and boyish.