Wednesday, August 18, 2021

First grade

We'd tried preparing the boy for a new year of school, but who is ever really prepared.  He didn't appreciate the interruption of his usual gentle morning warm up.  

Husband teasesd him enough about showing off his muscles, that the boy finally loosened up.
The kiddos are in masks again, but this kid doesn't mind at all.  No tears (from him), a few waves to old friends, and just a few nerves.  It was a pretty good day for the little man.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Birthday cakes

From one of the boy's favorite cartoons (from left to right): the bad guy, the birthday boy, and one of the good guys.  I got several lego and lego figure molds from someone on FB, including a large baking form.  I made most of the frosting from scratch, except for the decorating gels,  and the dark red, which I could not get dark enough on my own.    The boy loved that one looked like him, and bragged to anyone that would listen that he'd eaten his own head.