The first snow of the season finally came on Friday. The news had been counting the days since the last snow with breathless excitement the way only weather watchers in Colorado do. The boy woke us up with a wild "Ho Ho came!!!!" He had to put on his snow pants, big coat, rain boots (easier to find that black snow boots), his construction goggles, and most recent addition of rainbow hat. He spent a good half hour building a snowman. He picked out a carrot from our fridge, a hat from the bin, and a handful of rocks. The snow was very powdery, so it ended up being more of a pile, but he loved it. He loved it so much, that afternoon, he had to make an igloo.

And next, we made it to a local church (not ours) to get the boy the second Covid vaccination. Despite some rather ridiculous and hurtful remarks coming from certain camps, we decided to err on the side of science and personal safety to get it done. The sweet people at the church applauded the boy as we walked to the nurse's station, which embarrassed him greatly. They gave him a little toy to play with and chatted enough to distract him from the actual shot.