Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Random summer

Thought this was funny.

Husband was able to come help out at a couple soft ball games this summer.  Go Tigers 

Trying out his new snorkel at thr splash pad.


Thursday, July 13, 2023

More summer fun

We went with some friends to a local candy factory.  

Eating all the turkey and cheese from a lunchable.

Six weeks of swim classes and he finally won a ribbon for his efforts.  (For back glide)


Monday, July 3, 2023

Wild bees can’t be broken

The bees decided normal frames were not good enough, so made their own comb hanging underneath the box.  Husband donned his suit to figure it out. 

There’s a YouTube famous beekeeper that will take wild comb like this and balance it inside frames with rubber bands.  Idea being that it disturbs the bees less if they keep what they worked for.

After the comb was removed from the hive bottom grate, the bees were still hanging on.
First a swarm in the yard, now this.

 This is not a pajama top.  He just likes to party all night.