Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Summer 2024

Ankle cuddles

We spent a lot of time swimming.  Our usual reservoir has been overcome by algae so we had to do with the rec center.


Monday, July 15, 2024

You monster!!

 You’ll eat us all!  (Says the carrots to the plastic figurine)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

S.S. Titanic

Aliens attacked an apartment building, a monster ate the aliens, a robot attacked the monster.  

Our friend had his 8th birthday party, a Titanic themed party.  Naturally, the boy had to dress up.  


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Flooring transformer


We went out on the lake with the YW/YM group and the boy got a turn at the wheel.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

New floors and new art

 We took advantage of our empty floors for a little self expression.  It’ll get covered up by new flooring this weekend, but maybe the next owners will think it’s funny when they put in new flooring.

Monday, June 3, 2024

I’m going to run away and join the circus

  Our first trip to see a circus.  It was crazy, loud, confusing but fun.  Only animal act were some dogs, so it was almost entirely human acts.  The juggling reminded us of a family friend, the cotton candy was delicious, the acts were thrilling, and the boy wants to again.

Friday, May 24, 2024

The last time you’ll see a third grader

He drew a sad face, with tears filling two containers.  The boy has big feelings, especially when something ends.  Everyday for the whole school year, he’d protest going to school.  Today, he cried that the school year was over, that his teacher had left the school (she actually left months ago, and he’s had a long term sub), that 3rd grade was the best.  Big feelings for a big kid.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Iron man lost an arm


He lost an arm in the line of duty but don’t worry.  The inventor/billionaire/philanthropist can build a new one.  Just using this stub as a placeholder.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

So close yet so far


This is Cinnamon.  She sees the toy, hanging to the lamp shade.  Juuuuust out of reach.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Spring break fun

His sweet tattoo he got at school daycare ‘School Village’.  Kids get to run stores like a town for the day.  The boy spent some of his play money on a half sleeve.  The blue ‘stitches’ on his tummy is from a game of
Doctor we played.  He, unfortunately, had to get a cat removed.

Building with clay at the children’s museum.



Monday, March 11, 2024

From another country

My son has a speech delay, so he has a hard time communicating.  He often gets creative, using descriptions or even drawings to get his ideas across.  Some times it works better than others.  But, hey, our president has a speech impediment, and he has a successful life, so that gives me hope.

 Son: mom, can you make those crackers you made 

Me: ???

Son:  they’re round, and they have blue in there

Me: ???

Son: (draws a picture of just a circle filled in) 

Husband: is that the cracker?

Son: it’s a cookie…from another country 

Me: (looking at the drawing of a blue circle)??  Do you mean a macaron?

Son: Yes. You better make those, mom

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Destination imagination

 This school year, we’ve been in a club at school.  It’s a STEAM based club, with a competition in the spring.  The boy has enjoyed parts of it, the building, less so the planning or the acting that goes into it.  His team mates were sweet but the three were from different universes.  I’ve compared them to MCU, Spongue Bob, and JRR Tolkien.  Getting them to listen to each other has been the hardest on the adults.  But, come competition day, they did a great job.  Super nervous, but great.

Monday, January 29, 2024

The Crusher

 Husband got his own workout machine.  The boy has already walked several miles and got his own patch of road rash when he forgot it doesn’t stop when he does. Yes, he is wearing a bungee cord as a belt.