Friday, December 18, 2015

Being a mom (or dad) is exhausting

I know I'm exhausted.  Andrew is exhausted. Baby is exhausted.  Maybe it's just us.

Anyway, it's getting to be Christmas time.  I'm out of work, and so taking advantage of the second "maternity leave", though not really relaxing.  Can anyone relax with a tiny baby that needs tending and cuddling?

Andrew is working holiday hours (read 10-12 or more hours overnight) of physical work.  He comes home late mornings, eats a big breakfast, cuddlrs the baby for a minute, and falls asleep.

Getting ready for his first Christmas has been a thing.  I can only work on preparation for about 15 min at a time between feeding/freak outs, etc.  Then there's the housework.

We did manage to get to see Santa.

Yes, it's a picture of a picture.

He did so well!  He slept the whole time we went to lunch, shopped, and waited in line.  I couldn't hear what he asked Santa for, but I'm assuming he wants to sleep through the night, and endless snuggles.

Next time, a list of treats parading through the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! He kind has a "What the huh?!?" look to him, though. <3 Still totally adorable!!


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