Sunday, April 24, 2016

Better out than in

Andrew pointed out today that Baby X has been out of the womb longer than he was in in.  Born after an official count of 35 weeks 4 days, Baby was cut out because he was growing too slowly, and his blood pressure drop too low.  Now at 37 weeks 2 days on the outside, he's still small for his age, but closing in. (Still 0 percentile, except his head, which is 11 percentile as of last check up)

He's got a sweet little grin for everyone.  He rolls and rolls on the floor like a bowling ball.  He loves to grab onto paper and shred it to bits.  Fabric, too, is a favorite.   No more laying placid in your arms, he wants to sit up and see the world.  He coos, and gurgles, babbles, and seems to know his name.  He has mastered the downward facing dog, and working on staying on all fours. He loves apples, bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, and his bottles.  He could do without avocado, green beans, and banana flavored rice husks.

He's our tiny guy, and we love him so much.

Update :  4.27.16. Baby army crawled today to get a toy.  And this kid doesn't stay where you put him anymore.


  1. He just stole our hearts during out week stay there. He seemed to be studying us intently and when we earned his trust, he would break out his wonderful grin. I does know his name, responding when you call to him across the room.

  2. He just stole our hearts during out week stay there. He seemed to be studying us intently and when we earned his trust, he would break out his wonderful grin. I does know his name, responding when you call to him across the room.

  3. He is getting just right chubby legs.


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