Sunday, July 3, 2016

Don't drink and boat

The captain has been hitting the bottle again.

Tiny guy has been sick this past week.  He felt warm mid week, and like the experienced mother I am, I waited a day to check his temperature.  A fever!  Nice one, Mom.  But he was acting as cheerful as ever, so we gave him a cool bath and some medicine, and called the pediatrician first thing in the morning.  

Then the rash appeared. Baby has been a healthy baby (if you forget the 11 days in the NICU and 2 months on Oxygen) so a common, fairly harmless, though uncomfortable virus made me pretty nervous.  I was on the phone with the doctor every 8 hours (he's got a fever! He's got a fever and a rash!  He doesn't have the fever any more but there's still the rash!) and it's fine, he's fine, it just has to follow it's course.  Cuddles, liquids, and Tylenol if he's uncomfortable.  He's a little clingy, and whiney, but at least he slept through the night last night.

1 comment:

  1. Babies do love their mommy or daddy when they are uncomfortable. Nothing more lovely that holding a clingy baby. Always take the time for loving them.


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