The captain has been hitting the bottle again.
Tiny guy has been sick this past week. He felt warm mid week, and like the experienced mother I am, I waited a day to check his temperature. A fever! Nice one, Mom. But he was acting as cheerful as ever, so we gave him a cool bath and some medicine, and called the pediatrician first thing in the morning.
Then the rash appeared. Baby has been a healthy baby (if you forget the 11 days in the NICU and 2 months on Oxygen) so a common, fairly harmless, though uncomfortable virus made me pretty nervous. I was on the phone with the doctor every 8 hours (he's got a fever! He's got a fever and a rash! He doesn't have the fever any more but there's still the rash!) and it's fine, he's fine, it just has to follow it's course. Cuddles, liquids, and Tylenol if he's uncomfortable. He's a little clingy, and whiney, but at least he slept through the night last night.
Babies do love their mommy or daddy when they are uncomfortable. Nothing more lovely that holding a clingy baby. Always take the time for loving them.