Saturday, November 5, 2016

at the fabric store

I was mulling over some remnants and thinking about a quilt project I've been planning (as opposed to all the Christmas crafting I need to do), and letting baby get into a little trouble because that's what babies do best, right?  I look up from a piece of micro suede in a golden brown (but does it really work in a quilt? Could I make the whole top in micro suede? It's a wall hanging, not a bed spread, does it matter? Does it come enough colors?) And baby has taken control of the cart, and gotten halfway down the aisle.
He can stand unsupported for several seconds now, and I'll swear in a court of law that he took a step on his own last night, but he's far from consistant.
Another customer saw him pushing the cart, but didn't see me for a split second.  Her expression was priceless.

We went to the park today.  Baby was fascinated by the bridge.  It's purposely a bit unstable, like a rope bridge.  He spent a good 20 minutes crossing it.  He'd start on the landing, backing up like he was descending stairs, then halfway he would flip around.  
You see one foot has a little brown and tan bootie?  I made a pair for him for Halloween, but also as practice shoes.  He's used to socks, of course, but soon he'll be walking on his own.  


  1. It's impossible to say which of baby's videos I love the best. This is priceless.

  2. Your dad fell over laughing at that one.


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