Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Radio silence... and a well baby visit

I lost my phone about two weeks ago.   Super annoying.  So i took my old phone in to get it set up as my current phone.  Should be fine, right?  It's an iPhone 5 or 6 or something, so a smart phone and should work the same, right?  Not so much.  Having a hard time uploading pictures and videos, which is super annoying.

Anyway, I took baby in for his 18 month well baby visit.  He did well, closing the gap .  He's now 8% for height at 31.25 inches and 20% for weight at 22lb 6oz.  That's double digits.  We haven't seen double digits before (except for this head circumference), so it's good news.  I was worried, especially about the weight, because baby had a cold and 3 teeth coming at the same time, and so did not want to eat for more than a week.  He does not have weight to lose.

Not quite a pudge, but not quite so skinny anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Well, good he didn't lose weight, sorry he was not feeling well enough to eat. Still his little adorable self!!!


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