Saturday, August 12, 2017

Happy Birthday to my boys

Both my guys had birthdays this week.  We decided to have 2 parties; one for the babies from Church, and one for some taller people.

The baby party was hilarious.  They followed each other arounaround in little groups.

They played in the little house, they ran up and down the ramps going from one level to the next.  They climbed over rocks.  They pulled apart some balloon.

Andrew made a picture station. 

That afternoon I made the ugliest, creepiest cake ever.

Which we tossed out.  It was supposed to be a dragon, as the theme of the parties were dragons love tacos.
But the due leaked from grainy butter cream into puddles that looked like pools of blood.

We bought a new cake and made tacos, and took little naps before the next group came through. 


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