Tuesday, September 26, 2017

I'm a sucker for it everytime

How can you not go along when that little hand grabs yours?

We've been sick the last few weeks.  First, baby was pretty lethargic for a few days.  I thought it was thrush and took him to the doctor.  He, in fact,  had strep.  A week or so of antibiotics and he was better, but not 100%.  Then he threw up a couple times.  And his appetite was lower than normal.  But about the time he was feeling better...

Andrew starting feeling I'll and throwing up (in a rather spectacular fashion), but like a trooper went to work anyway.

It is currently my turn.  No vomit, but still feeling pretty yucky.


  1. Hope you guys are feeling better!

  2. I'm sorry you have to go thru this. Strep for the little guy, looks like you'll have to consider strep every time he gets sick now, as Val has to do.


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