Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry and bright

It finally snowed.  It was super cold to boot.  I bundled baby up in extra layers, hus heavy coat, those thumbless mittens, and a pair of boots he got last Christmas i thoughtfor sure wouldnt fit him tbis year.

This pic was after about 25 minutes outside. He'd had a great time throwing snow and traipsing around in our neighbors' yards and be was ready to be carried home.
I made an advent calendar.  Some ornements are knit, some are sewn, some out of felt, and some are store bought.  Amoung them are:

A log fire

Knit sock
Ginger bread house

Holly and canxy cane

Breakfast bacon and eggs

Embroidered star


  1. Sad little red face, looks ready for a hug. I love the ornaments for the advent calendar, my favorite, can't decide.


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