Wednesday, August 22, 2018

He's no longer all mine

We've been waiting all summer for preschool.  I had thought that baby would go to a local preschool run by a local church, or private person a couple days a week once he was old enough.  But his speech delay means he needs extra attention.  Fortunately, our school district offers free preschool for children that need that extra attention.

It took until the second day for me to realize the commitment I'm in for.  EVERYDAY (well, four days a week) i gotta load this kid in the car and schlep him the 3 miles each way.  There is an elementary school just two blocks from our home, but they didn't have a spot for baby, alas.

Because Andrew took the day off from work, we had sometime in the afternoon, too.

Andrew and baby built a giant compost bin out of pallets.  After all this, I had to go out and get baby his own set of power "tools".  

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