Thursday, June 11, 2020

in the garden

The growing season is ramping up.  It's been nice, as it's been something to focus on and foster.  We're growing a few new things this year, including a three-sisters garden with corn (never grown that before) pole beans (never been super successful), and squash.  In fact, last fall, my brother gave me a couple pumpkins to compost.  We'd put them in the large compost bin we put on the big garden bed.  So now I have two volunteer pumpkin plants growing.  Fun!!

The weather has been hot, but mostly right in the ideal zone for growing plants.  And something else fun: a potato plant that had also volunteered grew a flower!  I've never seen a potato flower before.  Granted this is only my second year growing potatoes, but apparently it's pretty rare for potato fruit to form, and just as well, as they're poisonous.

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