Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Herd immunity

Baby got five shots today, including a flu shot.  This week was going to be tough anyway with teeth coming in, but shots make it worse.

Five shots and one blood draw.  He got through the blood draw like a champ, more annoyed about not being able to move around than the pipette.  The shots were another story.  He was in a deep cry, where his face turned red, mouth open, but no sound coming out.

Poor baby.  But, as I told him, he did it before and got through it.  He can do hard things.  Its a little pain now to ward off lots of pain later.  He's a good baby.  No afermations worked.  Only cuddles, a bottle, and a nap, in that order.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I hate that he was hurt. I've only seen him cry one time, that day I was alone with him and he didn't want to take is nap. He's so good. One of my girls, probably you, did the same thing with shots, protested being held down and didn't even feel the shot, was just triumphant when released.


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