Thursday, July 6, 2017

You look like the 4th of July!

We had an eventful enough end of June/beginning of July.  One sister with her family came out for a couple days, on their way to UT, and baby had fun with his cousin.  We went to the Children's Museum.

When that family left, we followed a day later.  While there, one sister traded places with the other, and baby got to go crazy with another set of cousins.

It was difficult to get a good picture of all of them, though, as kids on general are in constant movement.

After hitting the favorite eating places for shakes and Navajo tacos, and a few outings to shoot at targets, we found possibly the only body of water in the desert.

Snow run off makes a small man made lake.  It dries up as the summer passes, but while it's there, it's lovely.

1 comment:

  1. A whole bunch of great pictures. Proud of you, keeping up with the house repair. Looks good.


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