Saturday, June 9, 2018

Fattening up

I've been working on building a vegetable garden since we moved in.  Andrew built the actual bed, and I've been working on adding more and more soil amendments every year: bought manure, home made compost and more compost, and lots of worry. Plus gallon after gallon of hand carried water. Soil here is all clay and terrible for growing veg.

I had started a few dozen tomato plants and leeks from seed in the house in late winter.  Most survived to be planted outside and are doing okay.  I planted beans and squash from seed outside a couple weeks ago.  These have not been as successful.

I decided to dig up the seeds to see if they'd even sprouted.  I found either no seeds, or dead seeds.  Also grubs.  First of all - gross.  Second- i knew they'd eat my hard work, so they had to go.

I spent 30 min or so digging them up with thick gloves (cuz again gross), and collected them in a bucket.  Baby and i took them over to a friend that has chickens.  I wish I'd gotten a video cuz those chickens loved them.

Baby and i went for a treat.


  1. Good for you on getting those grubs out. I basically just let the birds do all that work. 🙂

  2. Also can’t get over that kid’s smile. So cute!

  3. Down with grubs!
    Hooray or ice cream!


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